This is my series of Cooking with K.r.a.c.n.o.l.a,incorporating granola into already fabulous recipes.These recipes /concoctions are evidence of my granola-obsession.What a deliciously healthy obsession i must say. Homemade,earthy granola is one of my many favorite things.I love making it, eating it, and selling it. It's a super simple,requiring little effort or stress. Seriously...mix, bake, cool & serve. The end.
Sometimes it is nice, to mix it up. Cereal or bacon egg & chesse can get extremely boring and not too mention artery clogging.So,let's create something healthy delicious & fun for breakfast.Stirring granola into a muffin batter is a simple and delicious way to create texture, and nutrition into a hum drum muffin routine. I've already have all of the yummy, nutritious ingredients in K.r.a.c.n.o.l.a, so why not?! The oats soften into the baked batter, but the nuts and dried fruit still provide a nice crunchy bite.
I used "Super Vitality Klusters",to make these. I suggest you use k.r.a.c.n.o.l.a, but feel free to use your own favorite homemade or store-bought granola.
Disclaimer( I am the owner of K.r.a.c.n.o.l.a,So, yes I shamelessly plug my own products.Shocking!!! I know).
2▪cups whole wheat flour, 2▪ teaspoons baking powder, 1▪ teaspoon baking soda,1▪teaspoon cinnamon ⅓▪ cup natural granulated sugar 1▪cup applesauce, 2▪ tablespoons coconut oil,⅓▪cup plain or vanilla nondairy milk, 1▪teaspoon vanilla extract,1▪cup granola(kracnola was used)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.Combine the (dry) ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir together.Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the applesauce, oil, and enough nondairy milk to make a smooth, stiff batter. Stir together until thoroughly combined.Stir in ⅔ cup of the granola.Divide the batter among 12 foil-lined muffin tins.Sprinkle the remaining granola evenly over the tops of the muffins.Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the tops of the muffins are golden and a knife inserted into the center of one tests clean. When cool enough to handle, transfer the muffins to a plate or rack to cool
Muffin batter after granola addition.I decided on mini cupcake liners,.Super easy to carry in Ziplock bag or freeze.Simple and delicious!